Our hope and prayer is that you experience the presence of God and a warm welcome from the Heartland community.
You’ll discover that we are a diverse group with people of all ages and a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds. What brings us together each week is our shared desire to find life and joy with God through Jesus, His Son.
You should expect to see lives being changed, because it is happening in this community – not by us, but by the power of God – as we enjoy God’s presence and celebrate His grace and mercy together.
That being said, please do not expect to find perfect people at Heartland. There has only ever been one perfect person – Jesus – and we worship and pursue Him because He alone changes hearts and lives.
– Heartland worship is corporate.

Worship isn’t something that the pastors or worship leaders on the stage do alone – the entire congregation worships God together when we meet. There are no spectators at Heartland… only participants. When you join us, expect to give of yourself, as well as receive from others.
– Looking forward and looking backward.
Our times together are designed to help us remember the past and look forward to the future. To borrow a phrase from author Kevin Vanhoozer, Christians are people “poised between memory and hope.” Our focus is on remembering what Jesus did for us in His life, death, and resurrection while looking forward to Jesus’ return and our life with God in the new heavens and new earth.
On Sundays, expect to study the Bible with the community, greet one another, give generously, and sing praises loudly to God with a fully-engaged heart and mind. This is who we are and what we do, and we’d love to have you join us.

– The preaching:

We study, preach, and teach in an expository manner. “Expository” is a big word, but it simply means that we draw the meaning of the passage from the text. We do not read into the Bible what we want it to say. We try to be humble and integrous as we study God’s Word from a cultural, linguistic approach. The Scriptures are the divinely authoritative Words of God, so we seek to understand them and apply them as God, Himself, communicated them. We believe that right doctrine and right practice/application leads to a fruitful, joyful life in Christ.
– Special Services
Reading Services: Because we revere God’s word and seek to obey its commands (1 Tim 4:13), we like to begin our preaching series with a reading service where we read through the book to be preached.
Communion & Baptism: We aim to take the Lord’s Supper together the first Sunday morning of each month. Baptisms are scheduled approximately once a quarter, but we are always delighted to schedule baptisms more often!
(Stop by our Coffee Bar for a free cup of coffee on your first visit to our Sunday Worship Service.)