Prayer Focus
April 28 Prayer Focus
From Melody: I went to Walmart last week. I was cautious and quick, but I felt covered in germs when I left. I was struck by the people stocking shelves and wiping self-checkout lanes – just doing their jobs in the middle of all the nervous shoppers. Let’s pray today for the essential workers in our area. For our factory workers, grocery story employees, and others who are keeping us supplied with essentials. Jesus, I pray for your protection for…
April 22 Prayer Focus
From Jamie: One of the things that is true about us as humans made in the image of God is that we are creators. When we invent and innovate, we are reflecting the image of the Ultimate Creator. Let’s pray today for those whose innovations are focused on the needs presented by COVID-19: Father, would you grant energy, focus, clear-sightedness, wisdom, and resources to those who are working for the common good in the face of this new virus? We…
April 21 Prayer Focus
From Melody: Psalm 28:7 – “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped.” If you’re like me, you’ve been spending quite a bit more time than normal at home recently. For many of us, home space and relationships are safe, nurturing, and in my case, loud! 😉 For others, home is difficult. It may be lonely. It may not be safe. It may be chaos. Father, I pray for…
Abundant Harvests
From Mark: This week will be a busy week as many area farmers begin planting their fields. With just one chance per year to get the crop planted, farmers put in long hours working around dangerous equipment to get the job done. Lord, I pray for your blessings on area farmers as they plant the fields this spring. We ask for safety for the families and workers as they begin the process of growing food for our communities. Thank you…