Welcome to Heartland Kids!
Heartland exists to “see all people glorify God by finding joy in Christ.” And we think you’ll find quite a bit of joy wherever you find kids in our building. We’ve combined fantastic volunteers who genuinely love God and want to serve our littles with carefully thought out security practices and Christ-centered curriculum to create an opportunity to show the love of Christ and teach the character of God to the youngest ones at Heartland. What a privilege!
Heartland Kids includes our Sunday morning kids’ ministry and Awana on Wednesday night.
We have classes for all ages, infant through 6th grade at 10:30 on Sunday mornings.
Awana meets during the school year at 6:30-8:00 on Wednesday evenings.
If you’d like more info, please CLICK HERE. Your questions or comments will be sent to Liz Gamblin, our Children’s Ministry Director.