Sermons on 1 John

Sermons on 1 John

We’ve Got You Scheduled

1 John 5:13-21 Jesus now protects us as His family. We have a choice to make to not sin, and we have a way back when we do sin. But for the Christian, whether you sin or not, there’s no way for you to lose your salvation. The evil one cannot steal someone from the family of God. Jesus is infinitely able to keep you. This is important because it can feel really ugly down here sometimes. The entire world…

The Three Witnesses

1 John 5:6-12 God is truth. So the way He loves is entirely through truth. Being truthful. When He established Israel as His people, He commanded them to be truthful because that’s the path to life and peace. Telling the truth – getting to the truth – matters tremendously to God. The entire system that God set up required witnesses, truth tellers. Before a person was to be sentenced, he or she needed proved guilty or innocent by 2 or…

A Tangible Reality

1 John 4:7-21 Here’s the amazing thing – beyond amazing. John is saying that when you and I come together – Sundays, Wednesdays, throughout the week, in our homes perhaps – when we come together as God’s people to love each other like God loves, the invisible God becomes a tangible reality. Tangible means capable of being touched. It means actual, rather than invisible. It means definite, not vague, not elusive, not abstract, but concrete. When we show up to…

The File Test of Christianity

1 John 4:1-6 Start with the person and work of Jesus. The true Spirit of God is going to get the doctrine of the Son of God correct. The Spirit of God always glorifies the Son of God. Always tells the truth about the Son. So the first test of which spirit you’re listening to is: Is the person speaking the truth about Jesus? The second test is to examine what the world thinks of them. Remember, the world has…

Undeniable Family Resemblance

1 John 2:28-3:10 This is where it gets challenging. You cannot be a son or daughter of God and carry a casual attitude toward sin. If you think you’re a Christian but don’t really care about ethical and moral purity, you’re fooling yourself. If you adopt and accept sin as if it’s a part of you, you may not be in God’s family. Becoming a child of God is supposed to change everything about how we act, how we quit sin…
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