Sermons by Sam Krug (Page 3)
The God Who Hears
Psalm 63 In Psalm 63:1, we see that David is at a crossroads. He’s being pursued by his enemies who want to take his life. He’s wasting away in one of the most desolate places on earth, and it looks like there’s no hope in sight. I can’t imagine the doubts that were swirling through his head: Is God really a good God? Is this God that I say I believe in really strong enough to save me? Have I…
Keys to Community Part 3 – United We Stand Divided We Fall
Ephesians 4:1-16 I think God knew that community would be hard for us. That’s why he called us toward humility, gentleness, and patience with one another as we figure it out together. As you ask yourself (and you will), “What’s the point of loving each other? What’s the point of taking the risk of being vulnerable? What’s the point of using my gifts to build unity?” There’s one answer. Christ. If the God who loved me enough to die for…